Компактный широкополосный MIMO (MU-MIMO), высокоскоростной E600 Enterprise идеально подходит для школ, закрытых общественных помещений, торговых центров, отелей и курортов (Hospitality), кофе магазинов, многоквартирных домов (MDU) или для любого помещения, которое нуждается в надежных высокопроизвод..
ePMP has set the standard for high performance, scalability, and reliability in harsh interference environments all at a compelling price. ePMP 2000 is the next-generation Access Point bringing interference tolerance to a whole new level with unique Hypure™ technology, which combines Intelligent Fil..
ePMP has set the standard for high performance, scalability, and reliability in harsh interference environments all at a compelling price. ePMP 2000 is the next-generation Access Point bringing interference tolerance to a whole new level with unique Hypure™ technology, which combines Intelligent Fil..
EPMP 3000 является точкой доступа (AP) третьего поколения, которая поддерживает механизмы помехоустойчивости от ePMP 2000, но добавляет мощность многопользовательскогоMIMO (MU-MIMO). EPMP 3000 - это точка доступа 4X4 MU-MIMO, которая может удвоить пропускную способность на уровне сектора с одинаково..
Cambium Networks' ePMP product line has set the standard for high performance, scalability and reliability in harsh interference environments all at a compelling price. The ePMP 3000L is the third generation access point (AP) that carries on the interference tolerance mechanisms with an emphasis on ..
The reliability of ePMP™ radio, combined with the power of service-provider-grade WLAN software, makes this easy-to-deploy single-band access point the choice for government, utility and other deployments that need to scale over time.Cloud Management: backed by Cambium’s cnMaestro™ cloud manager off..
Wireless service providers and enterprises around the globe are challenged to deliver reliable connectivity in overcrowded RF environment. As spectrum increasingly becomes a scarce commodity, finding the right broadband connectivity solution is vital for all low and high density types of deployments..
Поставщики беспроводных услуг и предприятия по всему миру сталкиваются с проблемой обеспечения надежного подключения в переполненных радиочастотных средах. Поскольку спектр становится все более дефицитным товаром, поиск правильного решения для широкополосной связи имеет жизненно важное значение для ..
Wireless service providers and enterprises Wireless service providers and enterprises around the globe are challenged to deliver reliable connectivity in overcrowded RF environment. As spectrum increasingly becomes a scarce commodity, finding the right broadband connectivity solution is vital for al..
Force 300-16 continues the tradition of previous products with a horizontal orientation mount providing a 15 degree beamwidth and 16dBi gain, the F300-16 offers a compelling, compact subscriber or point to point solution resilient to interference.Supporting peak throughput greater than 500Mbps, the ..
Wireless service providers and enterprises around the globe are challenged to deliver reliable connectivity in overcrowded RF environment. As spectrum increasingly becomes a scarce commodity, finding the right broadband connectivity solution is vital for all low and high density types of deployments..